One of the animation's authors: In September 2018, during our "We Here" pilgrimage on the island of Gotland, we dived into the topics which challenge us. For a long time, I could not find the right words for a feeling I was carrying during that journey. The right word was given by Dima Zakharov – co-responsibility – and this "co" was necessary for me. Human co-responsibility reflects what is important for me in life and work with children, adolescents, everyone. Not collective, not common, but everyone's responsibility for themselves and for what is happening around.
These thoughts coincided with the start of an animation workshop for teenagers. Among its participants, the process of establishing a civic position, developing notions about consciousness, justice and humanism are very crucial. While making the animation film we did a lot of research, arguing, juxtaposing to sharpen our own opinions, and definitely felt a communion.
The first project that we worked during this fall brought great openings for investigation, discussion, analysis, all of which gave us the sense of a true co-creation.
We are happy to present the cartoon inspired by the theme "Song Festival in Sopot in August 1969" of Alexander Galich, in which we dance over half a century of our history . It is a dedication to the centenary of the poet (A. Galich); the song is performed by Valeria Kogan.
Techniques: stop-motion, eclair, paper cutout animation, hand drawn frame-by-frame animation.
Teenage group of the animation studio "Da"